"LOADLINK" is a concept of direct Importer-Carrier interface conceived by The ActiveGroup.

Through years of development and in-house use, a user friendly, efficient, clearance system is now enhanced by the introduction of


From Quotes to Routing to Booking, your logistic movement, "LOADLINK"

completes the task from beginning to end. Unlike any other system produced, the "LOADLINK"

system is available on-line via the internet, by not only the importer, but the exporter and supplier.

The easy to use, no charge software is available, not only to prepare shipments for "PARS/INPARS" movement,

but also for "ACROSS" preparation. This unique sytem provides both large and small businesses, with

the opportunity to benefit from a data base of thousands of carriers, that have available cargo space.

Additionally, On-line auditing "CADEX" submissions are now possible, through our "CUSTOMSLINK" interface. Not only is your

cargo booked, but pre-priced, pre-routed, with the most current, up to the minute logistics rates.

On-Line availability is expected in early 2000, with both Internet, and Telenet connections. PC and AS/400

versions will also be available for in-house use. These versions will also permit automatic up to the minute

updating and bulk communication networking in order to offer the highest technical service at the lowest cost.